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Monday, June 06, 2005 

2005 SOP Fantasy Camp Awards

MVC (most valuable camper): Kenny
-begger chicken
-catching 100 pound fish

MVD (most valuable driver): Danio
-driving full ways minus .25%

Team Player award: Dorothy
-help all over

Laifu award: Eric
-for constantly forgetting the #1 rule and making SOP feel in the "embarrassed spotlight" all the time

It is really an honor to receive the MVC award. I personally think that Laifu should have been given better award because after all, he is the one who kept to dog away from attacking us.

You guys actually STARTED a blog for Sop fan club? Sigh...all of your "coolness" points just went down significantly. I think I'm going to have to block this page from now on...

We don't care if our coolness points went down in your ratings. As long as we are "cool like sop" we are happy.

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