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Thursday, June 09, 2005 

SFC Cabinet Members

Since we are pretty much NOT a democratic system here, I am just going to disregard that this is Eric's job and appoint my officers.

President - Eric
Secretary of Homeland Security - Kenny
Attorney General - Danio

It seems pretty easy to give out titles. So if anyone wants to hold 一官半職 just let us know.

*Dorothy doesn't want to hold any positions.

homeland security? what am I suppose to do?

protect me lah. i mean u r already doing that everyday so mite as well get the title. if you want other titles too you can have them.

Cool, I avoid commitments as much as I can

you know the cabinet members on here doesn't really do anything. when have you seen laifu done anything other than make fun of me =.=

it's all about pretty titles and no commitments. and plus like you all tell me from our politic lessons. a group centering around 1 person will generally die out when that person is gone =]

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