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Thursday, June 09, 2005 

SML Camping Thoughts

G. B. Stern once said that "One thing that's good about procrastination is that you always have something planned for tomorrow." but since I already have much planned for tomorrow, I am going to finish my assignment that we had agreed on and blog my Smith Mountain Lake trip thoughts.

Basically, there is not much to say. Ok, what I mean by not much to say is I never really knew camping can be so relaxing, soothing, and fun. And Laifu is probably right. It's about who you go with not what you do. Over the past few months I've meet some new friends who have made my weekends very interesting. Of course this does not only apply to the SFC people but for the time being, let's just stick with the SML camping trip.

It's not really only about being stupid with friends or doing nothing but rather coming back from camping feeling you've learn and grown. Learn how to become a better camper, fisherman, scientist, politician, and historian. Maybe there are set answer to some of the things we talked about but our conversations was neither narrow minded nor politically correct. In a way it also makes you want to become a better friend/person because of the people who surrounds you and inspire you; knowing that there are so much more you don't know and so much more you can improve and grow on.

Thanks everyone!

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