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Monday, June 20, 2005 

Top Five Reasons

Top five reasons why the singles in SFC should not get marry

#5 so you don’t have to any house work
#4 No need to spend time to please the other and think up ways to be Mr. or Mrs. Romantic
#3 does not have to rush home right after work to make dinner for the significant other
#2 you can play as much video game as you want or whatever you like to do
#1 so you can always hang out w/Sophia and Kenny!!!!

So for the above 5 reasons, especially #1, you shouldn’t get marry or find a gf or bf!

Haha…J/K all. You probably think Sop and Ken has become obsessive over our members that we are trying every way to keep you all single :p Actually we just want to tell you all thanks for accommodating our schedule so we can hang out. The topic of hanging out with other couples came up last night during dinner but it’s really not realistic since couples usually have so many affairs to attend to and only single people can accommodate the two of us. So again thanks!

Btw this is a conversation Ken and I had on our way to fellowship on Friday.

(sop picking up the phone to dial)
ken: 你要打電話給誰?
Sop: danio
Ken: 不要打啦 他們可能已經在聚會了
Sop: 我打電話關心 sfc 團員沒什麼不好
Ken: =.=!

(after sop told danio laifu is going to fellowship she decides to call laifu to comfort him for being stuck in the terrible traffic)

ken: 你又要打電話給誰了?
Sop: 我打電話關心我的團員啦!
Ken: =.=!!!

Dorothy's proposed solution for married couples

1. Hire a house-keeper to do the house work/cook dinner

2. For # 3, married couples cook next day's dinner together, so you only have to heat the food up after a tiring day...Plus, cooking together can be somehow romantic.

3. For # 2, Sorry couples, there is really no solution to this....

you make us sound like your playmates or something..

for that, i give u =.= ("the sop face")

is playmate bad?

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